Monday, November 30, 2015

StarStable Guide to Riding Clubs

 Hi Riders! In one of today's posts, I will be doing a review for THREE clubs, Electric Steeds, Bad Aces, and Invisible Wolves (In Chocolate Cupcake server). Using these three clubs as examples,  I will be teaching you how to get more members in your club, how to get active members!

 Tip 1: How to get your club started

 Getting your club started off for an all active members club is probably the most difficult task to face in making a good, popular club. Once you get your first loyal few (about 6-10 riders, 3-5 of them leaders, rest riding instructors), you can start getting riders in your club by the loads. People like to see that their club is filling up, or is growing fast, making it a fun environment to hang out in.

 One of the common problems with getting riders is that people to ads in Global Chat or constantly insist that a rider should join their club, which make people think you are annoying, preventing them from joining a your club. There is one way (probably the best way) to get good, qualified riders in your club. Either go to the newest area you have unlocked (i.e. Harvest Counties, Golden Hills, etc.) or just go to a popular place for riders to hang out (i.e. Steve's farm or Silverglade Village) and start a role, stampede or anything you'd like! Invite players in your role to be your friend and do activities regularly.

 Over time, invite players to be in your club. By doing this, you will have a fun, active club, and you can get to know all of the members, making them want to stay forever.

Tip 2: Dealing with drama

 Once you have many members, you will start to have to deal with drama. Bullying is NEVER a small problem, not like a fight or anything.


 In order to prevent drama, Have your club leaders all be trustworthy, and against drama. Once you have recruited your leaders, Be sure that they know how to identify drama. Then, ask them to message you the names of the players that caused the drama, and the players that joined the drama. Then, when you do get a message from a leader, be sure to remove all of the players from the club that started and joined the drama. This will be better than disbanding the club completely, ruining all of your hard work. This will also prevent the loss of mass numbers of riders leaving your club.

Tip 3: STAY ACTIVE!! Players LOVE being in active clubs, so devote a little game time each day to club activities. This will give players a good reason reason not to leave!

Also, club outfits are a good idea, they make your club look more active
And organized. Here is an example of my club, *Electric Steeds, and it's club outfit.

Also, club gear and horse colors help you stay more organized. Here is the electric steeds Gear and horse color:

Dancing next to each other or in a circle at the Fort Pinta Disco is a popular way to promote your club or just stay active!

Good luck with your club, and happy riding!

-Haley Sweetvalley

Want to join a drama free club? Here are some great ones! Message the leaders to join!

Night Agents Division
Leader: Haley Sweetvalley

Bad Aces
Leader: Aixa Braveheart

Invisible Wolves
Leader: Emily Birchbridge

*Electric Steeds was made for demo purposes only

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